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网络整理 2020-03-09 00:32同时,针对新冠病毒是否变异的研究,也是目前学界的焦点。
The novel coronavirus has evolved into two major subtypes, a Chinese study has revealed.
3月3日,中国科学院主办的《国家科学评论》(National Science Review)发表题为《关于SARS-CoV-2的起源和持续进化》的论文。
The study, titled On the origin and continuing evolution of SARS-CoV-2, was published on the National Science Review of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) on Tuesday (March 3).
By analyzing the genome-wide molecular evolution of 103 novel coronavirus samples, scientists found 101 samples that can be categorized into S-cov and L-cov based on 149 mutation spots on virus strains.
基因组数据表明,感染S型的比例占30%, L型的感染比例占70%。S型与蝙蝠来源的冠状病毒在进化树上更接近,从而得出S型相对更古老的结论。L型在武汉爆发疫情的早期阶段更为普遍。
The paper states that S type, accounting for 30 percent, is closer to the bat-related coronavirus and is relatively older, while the L type was more prevalent in the early stages of the outbreak in Wuhan.
Human intervention may have placed more severe selective pressure on the L type, which might be more aggressive and spread more quickly than the S type.
However, the authors highlighted the fact the data examined in the study is very limited. How L type strains evolved from S type, as well as how these mutations would affect the transmission and pathogenesis of the virus, are still unknown.
Scientists also found most patients caught either the L or S type of novel coronavirus strain. But there might be exceptions to the rule that should be followed with further research. For example, the study said a 63-year-old female patient in Chicago had likely contracted both L and S types of novel coronavirus strains when she traveled in Wuhan and returned to the United States on Jan 13.
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